

  • For bonding the individual brick together
  • Protecting the joins from corrosion by slag and other furnaces
  • Available for use in acid conditions and suitable for light bonding between insulation bricks
  • High bonding strength with low shrinkage
  • It combines high refractoriness with smooth working properties
  • Available in both ready-to-set wet type and dry type
  • Used for laying all types of refractory bricks and a layer between brick of any type.
  • Clean the area where the bricks will be laid. Sweep the area and wash it thoroughly with water. Allow the surface to dry completely.

Wet type (AM): Open the refractory mortar bucket and aggressively stir the contents with a wooden stir stick or a trowel to bring back its homogeneousness.

Dry type (HM): Mix dry mortar with water at the specified amount. Stir the contents with wooden stick or trowel to make homogeneous.

  • Used a margin trowel to apply a layer of mortar to dry refractory brick. The thickness of each level should be approximately 2 mm. tap the bricks according to working position.